I've designated this place to put works in progress (media samples) along with a few choice selections of half-baked thoughts, schemes, questions, etc. Everything here is unfinished or unstarted and open to develop or die as the fates allow. Comments are welcome and appreciated. Thanks! jr
homepage: www.jacob-richman.com

Friday, March 30, 2012

Pretty Ok Week!

Pretty productive week. Reached out to a few more possible performers/collaborators. Nailed down an interview with Sgt. Matthew Zarrella, rescue dog trainer extraordinaire, to talk about his work with his dog HANNIBAL (thanks Mary Healy Jamiel) who searched for the Emerys' bodies underneath the Newport Bridge.

Worked on electronics/programming for the CURTAIN ROOM: an installation room with multiple curtains hooked to motors which turn to reconfigure the room as people move through it. Think a changing Red Room from Twin Peaks, but instead of it being red, are projections on the curtains as they move and change the space.

Servo vs Stepper motors, that is the eternal question. I managed to fail in my last attempt a few years back building this room with Servos (weird false triggers and VERY SPOOKY curtains spinning for no reason), though I never really knew what I was doing. Went back to basics this week and had a lot of luck getting the Servos to do what I wanted them to. Now I got this big beautiful Stepper Motor, but couldn't get it to work before busing-home-time today, only managed to over-heat the H-bridge ...the diagram below is the bane of my existence. At least I wrote some music this week (crappy MIDI realization samples up soon).


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